Wolfgang Lambrecht - 604 868 6224  |  Stefan Lambrecht - 604 798 8790



Canex Building Supplies

Brian Wierks
604 858 8188


At our latest Easyhome tenant improvement in Eagle Landing, Chilliwack, the Director of Construction for Easyhome stated:

“This was a job well done, please relay to your team, a project well done!”.

And the Regional Manager for Easyhome stated:
“I have never seem a project built so fast, without issues and there is not a thing I can put on my deficiency list!”.



Your Mortgage Source

Alex Kotai – President of Your Mortgage Source says: “If your are looking for construction services then Wolfgang is your man. He is honest and fair to deal with and he will get the job done for you.”

Trubka Associates Architects

Lubor Trubka

SLC Gold Financial Services

Laura Belyea _ SLC Gold Financial Services – “Wolfgang is competent, detail oriented and does his research in the endeavours he takes on. Wolfgang is honest, fair and a man of integrity.